My name is Zoltan Wiessler, CEO of EuroSolid. EuroSolid has more than 20 years in the market in Hungary, a service company providing, basically, SolidWorks to Hungarian customers.
We have over 1200 customers in Hungary, serving CAD/CAM and engineering services.
SWOOD the missing part of SOLIDWORKS
We started with SWOOD in 2016.
That was a great opportunity because, from the beginning, we had many customers who were interested in the wooden industry and also looking for some great solutions for SolidWorks.
This delivered, I think the missing part of SolidWorks especially for the wooden industry.
It’s an argument, only itself. This is exactly why we chose SWOOD because that was the most comprehensive and integrated solution.
And that’s provide all the functions or the capabilities that our customer needs.
SWOOD team presence and actions for its resellers
The SWOOD team was amazing for supporting and helping us; the team provided all the necessary information, and we were well supported.
Of course, in some cases, our customers have special needs, especially in post possessors, which requires teamwork.
Also, the possible possessor can be generated or supported by the SWOOD team, but also, in some cases, we are in daily contact with customers and prepare post process on site.
But it’s also teamwork, and we always get the right help.
Supporting change in the woodworking customer process
When we start talking to customers about SWOOD, it’s not just about design, but they realize the design options first.
But after all, they quickly realize how they can automate, from design to manufacturing.
In the next few months, we are really focused on involving schools and students.
Our goal is to be connected with the schools and inform them how to make this wooden industry connected to digital life.